Thursday, June 01, 2006

I am now in switzerland with Lynn, Carli and their three beautiful daughters. My last day in TZ was fairly typical, I showed Jamal around downtown, ran into Mwandale (a rather well known wood carver who was verz good friends with some people in my group), and spent way too long sitting in traffic. The weirdest part was taking the daladala from campus to mwenge. Normallz at mwenge, there are a ton of people and it is filled with daladalas, taxis and shop/stands. This time, it was empty, and there were bulldozers and such there instead. It turns out they are redoing the whole thing, so they moved everyone out and switched the main daladala stand to mwakumbisho, which caused traffic to be even worse than usual (it took us an hour and a half to get back from downtown at 2 in the afternoon).
Anyway, i took the 9:30 pm flight out of Dar and arrived at 6:30 this morning in Zurich. I then took the train to bern and met up with Lynn. We spent the day around the house and then walked around Friebourg. I had visited Friebourg before, 11 years ago, so everything was vaguely familiar. It was a bit cold, but not too bad, a nice change after TZ! So far i have eaten lots of cheese, some chocolate and done laundry in an actual machine, and there is even a dryer! Okay, gotta run, takl to you all later


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