This picture is from Nunwi at Zanzibar, beautiful!
So everyone has been asking about my malaria symptoms and stuff like that. It really isn't that interesting. The symptoms may actually be confused with culture shock(excessive weeping fits, compulsive eatiing, under eating, depression, withdrawl, fatigue, stereotyping host family, etc.) But i was also vomiting so i guess it wasn't culture shock! I puked a bunch, went to the hospital, got misdiagnosed, went home, puked again until my host-mama sent me with elvis to her hospital where I got another test. The test consists of the nurse pricking your finger and then smearing a bit of blood on a glass slide. Then the doctor looks at the slide and determines if you have malaria or not. Although apparently doctors who don't see mzungu much sometimes misdiagnose, oh well. He seemed nice enough, although he kept thinking I meant diaria whenever i said "throw-up", i guess he didn't know what tat meant. Luckily he did know vomiting, especially when combined with the puking motion. Anyway, all I have to do is take a pill every night for six nights, not too bad. I think I'll start wearing more bug spray though. The best part of it all was at home, my host-mother was really great, and her priest came to help us all pray to get over our sicknesses (she was sick too). So he very kindly prayed over me (that is he put his hand on my shouluder and yelled stuff in swahili and english such as "in god's name!" and "JESUS CHRIST", it was hard not to laugh). But it obviously worked!
TOnight Jasmine, Liz and i made homemade pizzas which were amazing! homemade crust and everything. It really hit the spot, I've been craving pizza lately, or anything besides rice beans, chicken and peas. Classes are fine still, this weekend a couple of us might go to Kipepeo beach, should be fun. Anyway I gotta run~
garbanza or frijoles (which one are you again?!)- how do you say i'm super jealous in swahili??... obviously referring to the amazing pic, not so much the malaria. tho your experience with the priest definitely reminded me of that time we saw the light... and it burned. we need some kind of a reunion, pronto. k, adios!
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