An example of what we do every weekend. Hopefully this next weekend this will be done on Zanzibar where there is a music festival going on, but that might not happen. NOt too much new here, still enjoying the monkey watching and stuff. Went to a club the other day and we all were a bit upset because a beer was about $1.60 which is real expensive here. the prices are so ridiculous! today i spent 45 cents on lunch! i can eat so much food here, it's amazing. the club wasn't anything amazing, a lot of bongo flava, and hip/hop pop music and stupid stuff. It was also a pain in the ass getting back home. Taking taxi's at night is apparently real dangerous, and they often try and take you to the wrong place to rob you or make you pay too much money, not a lot of fun when you can't understand the driver and don't really know the direction you're supposed to be going in. luckily we had a tanzanian with us and he could take care of it all. Also, not fun stuffing five or 6 people into those cabs.
Did i mention that that there is a musial artist here named 50 dollar as well as Master V and Zay B? their videos are played all the time, and they are pretty damn funny. The music videos here look like somebody just set up a video camera and started dancing in front of it. They usually involve a guy (who is usually real real skinny, and about 15) rapping with girls standing in the background moving their hips. Not all that exciting.
This thursday a bunch of us might go to the U.S. embassy where the marines stationed there (all 9 of them) host "thirsty thursday" where they show movies and serve hot dogs and popcorn. I'm hoping they'll have actual ketchup instead of just tomato sauce! We've all debated if we really want to go hang out with marines, and we decided hotdogs and free drinks outweighted dumbass military guys, we'll see how that works out!
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